How to use this website
You have the option of exploring Open House activities three different ways:
(1) Browse the entire list of activities (350+) by clicking VIEW ALL ACTIVITIES
(2) Filter by topic, time, zone (aka: location), or activity sponsor
(3) Use the search bar to conduct a keyword search
Here are some tips to help you use the search and filter tools:
After you've selected filters, be sure to click the APPLY FILTERS button to see your results.
Want to start a fresh filter or search? Be sure to select the CLEAR FILTERS button each time you want to start over. You can also click VIEW ALL ACTIVITIES to clear your current results.
Don't know where to start? Consider filtering by topic first. We've included a list of 30+ topics, each containing multiple activities for you to explore.
You can filter activities by exact start time. Please note that many Open House activities are recurring—click the box next to the text Include all events that occur at specified time to show all events that occur at the time you've selected. You will yield the most results this way.
When searching for an activity by sponsor, make your choices in the light box and then hit "Save and close." When the box disappears, be sure to click APPLY FILTER to see your results.
Create a list by of the activities you don't want to miss by clicking the FAVORITES button within any activity description. You can access your curated list by selecting the FAVORITES option in the filter menu. (Note: the FAVORITES function uses cookies. If you clear cookies from your browser, you will lose your list.)
Please direct any website-related questions to
Plan Your Visit
View the campus map for the 2016 Open House
View the shuttle map for the 2016 Open House