Produced by MIT Video Productions, Office of Digital Learning
With the move to Cambridge and the construction of the Main Group, MIT set out to create a building and an institution like no other. In doing so, the Institute tranformed the City of Cambridge over the last century. Hear stories from MIT’s century in Cambridge—including visions for the next 100 years—through a series of documentaries and video vignettes available through the menu on the right.
MIT2016 Documentary Series: A Bold Move
Winner of a 2017 Boston/New England Emmy® Award in the education/schools category
The inside story of MIT’s move from Boston to Cambridge - from the design and construction of an innovative new campus to the exuberant opening celebration in 1916.
Particularly MIT: A Sequence of Vignettes
Produced by MIT Video Productions, Office of Digital Learning
Each week throughout the Century in Cambridge Celebration (February 29–June 4) added to a sequence of video vignettes. From MIT’s public art to campus myths to the iconic Killian Court, these short videos explore a range of topics related to the Institute and its history in Cambridge.

A playful look at three long-held stories about the MIT campus and environs—separating fact from fiction.

This will change the way you see the campus forever. Why the dome's pillars don't line up, and the secret circle that extends all the way to Mass. Ave.

In 2014, Project Interphase celebrated its 45th Anniversary of introducing scholars to the MIT experience and imparting pivotal concepts to increase long-term academic success. This video describes the genesis of this program, now known as Interphase EDGE.

The astonishing career of Vannevar Bush, who played a part in the dawn of the radio age, the atomic age, and the digital age.

Recollections of MIT’s unique program for innovative documentary filmmaking and its far-reaching impact.

From the perfect cup of coffee to edibles that astronauts could take into space—a video history of MIT’s scientists' cutting edge of research and innovation in food technology

Karl Taylor Compton, MIT’s President from 1930 to 1948, modernized the Institute and served as a public champion of science and technology.
“No man in academic life was more loved.”

A bit of broadcasting history reveals the connections between MIT and public television station WGBH.

In 1963, big band leader Herb Pomeroy founded the Festival Jazz Ensemble at MIT. This signaled the start of an illustrious program on campus that invited the Jazz Greats to play alongside MIT students.

When you think of MIT, you think of the Great Dome. The oculus was obscured with black paint during World War II to prevent it from becoming a target. The result was an interior space with no natural light. Finally, after 70 years, the glass block in the oculus has been painstakingly restored, allowing sunlight to illuminate the spectacular architectural details inside the Dome.

The National Medal of Science is this nation’s highest honor for outstanding achievement and leadership in expanding our understanding of the natural world. Of the 509 medals awarded since 1959, one out of nine recipients have an affiliation with MIT. Ten recipients are currently on the MIT faculty.

A towering figure of 20th-century MIT, Killian Presidency of the Institute from 1948-59 only tells part of the story.
Hear stories from MIT’s century in Cambridge, including visions for the next 100 years, through this series of four documentaries.