Open House Activities List
We invite you to explore the growing list of activities planned for April 23, 2016.
Please visit us again on March 31 for our full list of activities and descriptions!
Open House Activities
Categorized alphabetically by sponsoring department, lab, center, or student group
Active Minds at MIT
- How does the MIT community de-stress?
Admissions Office
- Meet the Admissions Bloggers!
- Preparing for Medical School as an Undergraduate at MIT
- The MIT Experience (and information session for high school students)
Alumni Association
- Alumni Beer/Wine tasting
- MIT Alumni Drop-in Lectures/Screenings
- MIT Alumni HQ
- MIT Alumni Trivia!
- Scavenger Hunt
Art, Culture and Technology
- MIT Island
- Corridor Project: ACT Timeline and CAVS Archive Slideshow
Cambridge-MIT Connection
- DynaMIT
- Hubway signup
- Hubweek
- OrigaMIT
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- A Closer Look at Environmental Exposures!
- DNA Repair: Keeping your Genes Clean
- Learn about Research at MIT that is focused on the Impact of our Environment on Health
- Chemistry Magic Show
Comparative Media Studies/Writing
- Designing Digital Humanities
- Exploring the Potential of Play
Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab HQ
- App Inventor Demo
- The Baxter Soft Hand Grasping Demo
- Pencil Code: Coding as Easy as a Pencil
- Research showcase
- The Distributed Robot Garden
- Spoken Language Understanding in a Nutrition Dialogue System
- The DIGI-COMP II educational toy
- W3C: Web for All
- Wait-Learning: Using Wait Time Productively
- Make an Impression: Visit MIT Copytech (11-004)
- Charcoal Burn
- D-Lab Tour & Maize Raise
DAPER Intercollegiate Sports
- Varsity Men's Heavyweight Crew
- Varsity Men's Lacrosse game
- Varsity Men's Tennis
- Varsity Sailing
- Varsity Softball games
- Varsity Track and Field meet
- Varsity Women's Lightweight Crew
- Varsity Women's Tennis
DAPER Recreation
- Centennial Fitness Challenges
- Centennial Yoga Flow (100 minutes of Yoga)
- DAPER Information Table
- Stand Up Paddleboarding - Fitness Class
- Stand Up Paddleboarding - Open Recreation
David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
- Everything but the Time Machine: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Research at MIT
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Build and launch a paper rocket
- Design, Build, Fly
- Display of testbeds for self-driving cars
- Entry, Descent, and Landing: build a parachute and safely land an egg on “Mars"
- Fly a (virtual) airplane
- Fly a SPHERES Satellite
- Get up close with jet engines, old and new
- Humans in Space with the Man Vehicle Lab
- Ladies’ Tea Time at AeroAstro
- Learn how aviation affects the environment
- MIT and Human Missions to Mars — A Panel Discussion
- MIT Rocket Team
- Model Rocketry
- Paper Airplane Competition
- See STAR Lab’s miniaturized satellites
- Systems Engineering Research Laboratory
- The D-8 “Double Bubble” commercial aircraft of the future
- Tiny materials making a BIG impact with necstlab
- Tour the Space Propulsion Laboratory
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Action
- Visit the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel
Department of Architecture
- Active Woven Tower
- Architecture Exhibition
- Architecture Tours
- Around the Dome: Architecture Student Work Exhibition + Demos
- Collier Memorial
- Emergency Hub
- Memory Matrix
- MIT Island
- Workspace | Keller Gallery Exhibition
Department of Biology
- And the Nobel goes to… small organisms, big impact!
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- A look into Neuroscience at MIT
Department of Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Open House
- Elephant Toothpaste
- Fruit Battery
- Protect That Pill
- We All Scream for Ice Cream
Department of Chemistry
- Marvelous Molecules in Play
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Boston and London in Motion
- Bioinspired materials: From Atoms to 3D Structures
- CEE R&R Space
- CEE Passport Program
- Concrete Coasters
- Interactive Fluid Dynamics
- Mapping air pollution
- Model skyscraper with MEng Students in Structures (toothpicks and candy)
- Photosynthesis, Microbes, and the Oceans
- Security games on infrastructure networks
- Seeing and Hearing Vibrations
- Soap film models
- Transforming hairs in holograms
- Urban Constructed Wetlands: Green Infrastructure for Water Resiliency
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
- Ask a Philosopher
- Philosophy Poster Session
- Language and the Human Mind
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Blacksmithing at MIT
- 3D Printing
- Materials Science of Food
- Materials Science Fair
- Glass Blowing is a Team Activity
- Glass on Metal: Enameling
- Medallion Casting
- Elephant Toothpaste
- Concrete coasters
Department of Mathematics
- A world from a sheet of paper
- Adventures in fluid dynamics: from biolocomotion to quantum foundations
- Experiments in fluid dynamics in the Applied Math Lab
- Prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and public key cryptography
- The Cookie Monster plays games
- The MIT Mathlets : Seeing mathematics and playing with it
- The role of mathematics in the real world
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Making makers - Build cool stuff with us!
- Ocean Robots and Sensors
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Cloud Chamber Demonstration
- Hands-on Radioactive Experiments: Get Your Glow On!
- Portable (handheld) gamma spectroscopy system
Department of Physics
- Magnetic Fun
- Physics demonstration exhibit
- Tour of "Junior Lab" in the Department of Physics
![A visitor views an exhibit at the 2011 Open House](
A visitor views an exhibit at the 2011 Open House.
Department of Political Science
- Conversations You Can't Have on Campus: Fun discussions about difficult topics
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Create a new classroom
- Interactive City-Building Model Workshop
- Urban Planning Lightning Talks
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences
- A Walk Through Time - 4.6 Billion Years of Earth History
- ’Aerocene’ – Exploring Earth's Atmosphere with Solar Balloons
- Climate Detectives
- Oceans Alive! I Spy Live Plankton
- Oceans Alive! Research in the Round: iGlobe
- Oceans Alive! 50,000 CPUs, High-Res Models, and Marine Microbiota
- Sunspots and Solar Prominences: Activity on our Sun
- The Great Rock Show
- What Are You Standing On? Learn About the Earth History That is Preserved in the Rocks in Cambridge
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
- See the new EECS undergraduate laboratories!
Design for America
- Design for America showcase
Edgerton Center
- Activities in the spirit of Harold “Doc” Edgerton
- Edgerton Center Clubs and Teams: Electric Porsches, Planetary Rovers, Formula Style Race Cars and more
Experimental Study Group
- Creme brulee chemistry
- Math Brain Teasers
- Measuring the speed of light with chocolate
Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living Groups
- FSILG Office
- Spotlight on Panhellenic Women
Global Studies and Languages
- Around the World in 80 Seconds
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program
- Participate in a Gordon Engineering Leadership Lab!
- Student-led engineering leadership lab
- UPOP Posters
Haystack Observatory
- MIT Haystack Observatory: Seeing the Universe Through Radio Eyes
History Section
- MIT, 1916, and World War I
Hobby Shop
- Hobby Shop Open House
Information Systems & Technology
- The Technology Behind the Buzz Words
- Panel: Cyber Security Perspectives
- Workshop: Build Your Own Computer
- Workshop: Disassemble a Computer
- Tour of the MIT Data Center
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
- BLOSSOMS: Building Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math STEM Education Worldwide
- SMART Innovative Projects and Kool Things
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
- Exploring the Human Gut Microbiome
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
- Tour of the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
- Autonomous Trycicles
- Display
- Learning & Modeling Diversity
- LIDS & IDSS Information
- PARTNERING: AA & Prof. How (To be updated)
- Predicting Time Series at Scale
- Simple Methods with Strong Theoretical Guarantees for Large-Scale Optimization
- Effective Sampling for k-Determinantal Point Process
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
- Cosmic Ray Detectors
- Hunting Ghosts : Neutrinos and the Slowest Process in the Universe
- Unveiling Mysteries in Particle Physics
Lakata Afrique
- Lakata on the Stairs
Leaders for Global Operations Program
- Alumni Entrepreneurs Showcase
Lemelson/MIT Program
- Meet and Greet Inventors + Hands-on Invention Activities
- Family-Friendly Activities under the Dome
- Inexpensive DIY Book Cradle:Using Tyvek Envelopes & Air Pillows to protect Rare Books
- The Great Stride: MIT Moves to Cambridge
- The Sound of Music at MIT in 1916
Lincoln Laboratory
- 3-kW Aluminum-Water Electrical Generator
- Beaver Works Tour
- Lincoln Laboratory and MIT Partnerships
- Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers (LLRISE)
- Lunar Laser Communications
- Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS) and Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration (MiRaTa)
- Multi-look Airborne Collector for Human Encampment and Terrain Extraction (MACHETE)
- Strike Group Defender (SGD)
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
- X-band Radar
List Visual Arts Center
- Public Art Tour
- MIT & Masdar Institute Cooperative Program
Media Laboratory
- Media Lab Open Technology Day - Demos
- Media Lab Open Technology Day - Lightning Talks
- Media Lab Open Technology Day - Self-Guided Audio Tour
Medical Department
- MIT Medical
Microsystems Technology Laboratories
- Micro & Nanosystems in Action
MIT Center for International Studies
- Activity TBD
MIT Energy Initiative
- Cool the Planet or Turn Up the Heat?
- Energy Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Interactive exploration of environmental and cost performance of cars on the U.S. market
- MIT Energy Initiative Maker Space
- MITEI IAP - Wind Turbine Tour Video
- Tata Center for Technology & Design Poster Sesssion
- Under the Hood - a fully electric Porsche 914 BEV